First I want to thank you guys for all of your pledges! The last I checked we had raised $440, which is almost ten percent of our goal! You kids rock! And if you have yet to pledge but are itching to, you can do so HERE!
As you may know already, the crew and I are spending a lot of time and effort on the look of this film, building original sets, making a LOT of art for our walls, and, of course, creating striking and memorable looks for our characters. We have been purchasing a lot of really interesting vintage dresses and accessories, and then going to American Apparel for the rest of the individual pieces we need. The following are selected images from a set we did focusing on a few of our props and some of the clothing we have purchased for the film. I hope you like them!
(Bobbie Sue in her own dress, holding a statue we bought at Goodwill).
(Marika in a simple grey dress, but the red stockings will be in the film. These dolls are in the BEDROOM scene).
(Actor Jake Gott in his outfit for the film (he's not in it very long, wink wink), holding a sign made by Michael Sean).
(Carolyn Main in one of her three outfits for the film, but without the mustache that she'll be sporting. She is holding the "Crucidix" that she made just for the film).
(This is Bobbie Sue as Henrietta. This is her actual outfit from the film, and she is holding a painting I did and a picture pulled from a children's book, framed together).
(Jake Gott's body is in so much of the film that it is almost a prop. Here he is showing off his goods).
(This is me in the clothes I wear five days a week, holding a sign Carolyn made).
I hope this all meets your approval! Make sure to tell your friends about this project, and send them to Kickstarter to SEE OUR PROMO VIDEO!
The next post will have pictures from the set and an interview between me and Carolyn Main, but we need three more new donors before I can post it, so tell your friends!
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