Here's one of our storyboard photos of Carolyn Main shakin' it:
Now this isn't a Pulp Fiction or My Big Fat Greek Wedding indpependent sort of film, one where Miramax or Tom Hank's wife is putting up most of the money, but an out-and-out, cut your paycheck in half, empty the bank account independent film, and we're just about broke. A few days ago, my friend and writing partner Carolyn Main and I launched our project on Kickstarter with the hopes of raising $5000 to help us finish the film. Watch our Kickstarter film by following this link:
With your help, we can bring THE PROMISE KEEPERS to fruition, but without your support this project will fizzle out and die. I know that times are tough, but if you haven't already, please, pledge what you can by clicking below:
And here are some more storyboards to show you snippets of what will happen in the film:
(Bobbie Sue forces fellow actor Jake Gott to cuddle at knife-point.)
(Marika and Carolyn attack an unseen enemey.)
Thanks everyone! And tell your friends to DONATE! We will post another entry for every three new people who pledge money! Expect entries full of pictures, concept art, and even downloadable mp3's from the film soundtrack!
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