The Promise Keepers and I just finished UNCLE JOSEPH'S HALF HOUR PRAYER HOUR, which will premier on public access next week, and will show up on THIS VERY BLOG in just a few days! We filmed the program as a test for the feature film and it will be included on THE PROMISE KEEPERS dvd as an extra! Until the release later this week, here's a sneak peek!
This is not a pyramid, but in fact a spaceship from outer space! When we came from Venus (because we are all from Venus, not just women, as the early nineties would have you believe), we flew in these! Check it out! Up top? That's the Lord, on top, where he belongs! And below him? The Pope! Archbishops! Church folk! His best friends! And below that is the pool! We had pools in our spaceships! And Stairmasters! And spin classes! And below that we have a buffet! And below that we have bees! Or beds, or something. I don't know.
But yeah, Venus! That's where we all came from! Did you know that? That's why no one has found the Garden of Eden! Because it's on another planet! And believe me, life is good on Venus! There is no sin in the Garden - did you know that? It's before sin was even invented! As long as you don't eat the fruit, everything is fine! You can do anything you want on Venus! You can fist-fight dogs on Venus, or make love in the morning on Venus, or wear a suit made out of an old lady's skin on Venus - you can do a lot of things on Venus that God won't let you do on Earth! That's what's so great about it! Life on Venus rocks!
And here's a picture of the bear puppets we made!
(You'll see more of them in UNCLE JOSEPH'S HALF HOUR PRAYER HOUR!)
Also, here are some pictures of one of a kind masks that will be seen in THE PROMISE KEEPERS (or, two of a kind... We made two of each)!
We're getting really close to our first day of shooting for the feature film! If you have yet to pledge money, please do so by clicking HERE! The fundraiser is coming to an end soon and we need your help to reach our goal! We can do it!
Check back in a few days to watch UNCLE JOSEPH'S PRAYER HOUR!
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