We are approaching the home stretch on the PROMISE KEEPERS shoot, and damn excited about life! The footage is coming back looking pretty great, and though we will be spending longer than I had originally anticipated on post-production sound design, we are still looking at having a finished project before the end of the summer!
Here are two of our leading ladies in a borrowed Cadillac, the preferred vehicle of all incestuous polygamist families.
Last Saturday was some of the first good weather we have seen when we had possession of the camera and equipment, so we took advantage of the sunshine and went out and filmed some exteriors. We borrowed a beautiful white Cadillac from a friend of some of the actresses in our film, and then drove around terrorizing the neighborhood, hooting and hollering and kidnapping sexy young men. And believe me, we got some reactions from the neighbors. There was one guy who came out asking questions, and then settled in as if he was invited to watch the filming, which would have been fine except for the fact that one of our actresses was flashing her goods and this was the kind of man who would call the cops. The last thing I need right now is an actress in jail and blaming me for a life-time of having to go door-to-door to tell any new neighbor she might get that she's a registered sex offender. Nosy neighbors... Pshhhh.
In between takes people are having a pretty good time.
But the most exciting thing to happen this last weekend was being able to work with Wendy "Hatchet-wound" Jordan, a young woman who has been a friend of mine since my Junior year of high school. If you know anything about the Vonnegut novel CAT'S CRADLE or the fictional religion of Bokononism, then you will understand what I mean when I say that Wendy Jordan (along with people like Jacob Adkison and Maurice Burford) are a part of my karass - Wendy is a person I am supposed to know and work with. We have, since high school, fallen out of touch more than once, and then, miraculously, we run into one another. Once in Bakersfield California, just an hour from where we went to school, and then three years ago on Burnside here in Portland Oregon (she moved her, unbeknownst to either of us, one month after I did). And now she's in my movie. Fucking amazing.
Wendy is the one in the purple shirt.
So anyway, thanks for checking in. We wouldn't be making this movie if it weren't for the help of our friends and our various supporters from around the country, so thank you once again (you know who you are). Also, I want to thank Sophie, Dave, and Mike, our incredibly small, yet dedicated and hard-working, talented crew. You are doing such amazing things, and we love you.
Sophie doing whatever it GD takes to get the MF shot.